Boy, did that ring a bell. More like a gong. From both side of the issue. Being over exuberant in my critiquing and sitting with red ears and a hot face while my writing is being lambasted. However a third situation I find even more frustrating. A group of writers who seemingly refuse to say anything that might hurt someone, who instead deprive the writer of much needed, and wanted, criticism.
Thanks, Jerry. I think this piece struck a nerve with a lot of readers — many writers out there have experienced a tough workshop and the feeling that people are ganging up on them. It's also easy to become the aggressors ourselves, eagerly piling critiques on as we observe them without thinking about how it might sound. That's why I don't want to sound bitter or blame others, because I'm sure I've been the workshop hyena myself at times. Let's all try to be a bit more sensitive!